Our e.mail sent to Mr.Sitaram Yechuri in May 2015, regarding historic role the Left could play in world-affairs

Ref. Yechuri's article in HT today , ' An
event some wish to forget'

To: cpim ( Communist party of India-Marxist)
Sub: Can the political LEFT sincerely claim non-fascist ?
Dear Sitaram Yechuriji,
Warm Greetings from ' conscience of the society', the
independent philosophy and polity research ( non-profit sector) initiative !
Your article referred above in HT was very informative. You
plainly claimed, it was Russia
that formally, or at least symbolically liberated the war-torn colonial world
from the fascist forces. But the ultimate question is, could Russia , or
communism was able to liberate modern world, at least theoretically, from every
futuristic fascist tendencies and ideology ?
Can any open-minded person deny that it is the communist regimes
that today fits the bill of 'fascist' than that of any other political system,
if fascism is about conservatism and non-receptive to changes ? When they
wanted to liberate the world from right-wing conservatism, the method that they
had, or what they had adopted and put-into actual practice was only the same
conservatism about NOT letting the citizens' class FREE to fend for their-own
lives ! For not letting the citizenry go the same,sinful right-wing ways, they
adopted more severe steps to curtail the freedom of man ! It is plain history,
visible even today as best examples in existing communist regimes.
A more serious concern was the similar, or worse definition of
human-freedom that the other camp gave, and had adopted to run the rest of the
world; with the so called 'free-market' ideology. This camp took the
free-entrepreneur as the model citizen, and thought, un-interfering in his
free-pursuit of happiness and self-prosperity would ensure general freedom in
society. The severe entanglement of citizen's freedom today, due to the
unplugged growth and prosperity of entrepreneurs in the world, is well
exemplified in the slogan of USA 's
'occupy'( wall-street, and other places) agitators:
' modern-world is ruled by 1% elites, while the rest 99% are
replica of the old world's meek 'subjects' !
The worst part of the tragedy with human-freedom was the
coronation of 'democracy' as the symbol of human-freedom, and the ultimate
political system of 'equal-men'. Its most-unfortunate feature was the
partnering with the said 1%, for 'development' of the respective nations
The primeval concepts and myths around the 'establishment', the
institution of 'RULING' the class of people and country, has not at all altered
in any considerable degree, despite its changing the hands of control from the
old, tribal-head cum religious masters to the later day Kings and emperors,
then to to warrior-leader and tyrants, to the Feudal-Lords, and now to the
hands of peoples' democratic representatives. Can a sharp-sword alter its base
properties when it changes hands ? Almost every declared and implicit role of
the 'establishment' remain more or less same, irrespective of the 'throne'
occupied by different 'class' of rulers ! Institutionalized POWER associated
with the throne was the worst feature that always blocked freedom for citizens
because, freedom was always antagonistic to power.
The case of modern democracy stands-out as the most
self-deceptive of all other models; though in paper it claims as the ultimate
political system of people, in reality, it uses its false reputation and halo
of freedom to unleash the worst kind of suppression of dissent and criticism in
history. In earlier systems, the oppressed had some knowledge as to whose feet
he should fall to save his life,honour and property. But in modern democracy,
no one clearly knows who his oppressor is !
Democracy has become an open but fierce war to take-over the
control of the old model of power-regimes, still as powerful as before,
coveted,dream-like, and the most appealing pinnacle that every human-being
would die to try a hand to grab it !
So, the task of reinventing modern democracy is nothing but
reinventing the very meaning and scope of plain human-freedom, a life-altering
Wrong notion of acquiring freedom through sharing power and
Throughout human saga, whenever a group or class sought or
acquired freedom from the ones in higher authority, it was by a group or
class who themselves badly wanted freedom, in order to be the 'rulers', or the
masters in society themselves !
Freedom was something unthinkable and inconceivable
without the seekers of it being at the seats of the ruling class. A system of
'sharing' freedom with others, thus ensuring its equal fruits equally enjoyed
by one and all, was never known in any human society, except probably in some
isolated tribal groups ! To be free was possible only when things were under
one's own control, or one's own group's control. The most conspicuous
negative example was that of the communist regimes.
The moment they ousted the traditional ruler from his seat, the proletariat class
took over the reigns from him, and ruled people and the country the same way
that their ousted oppressor had been doing it ! He had no other known and
established model of ruling nations and people than the one and only
POWER-STATE model. Thomas Hob's old adage about human life and man's nature (
'short, nasty and brutish') could not yet be replaced with any other healthier
and positive image about him. So, the ways and principles of 'ruling' him also
couldn't be changed in all these years.
Therefore, whosoever sought or snatched freedom in history, when
encountered with the task of ruling people and the country themselves, had
always went for the conservative way of their one-time oppressors.
The way of letting the other be free in every respect,so that he
too learn its advantage, and the same way of letting all others free for the
general freedom in the society, is a not yet tried and tested way of collective
existence. First chance of testing this historic task
had landed in the hands of the communists, but the entire world now know how
thoroughly they mishandled this opportunity, and stagnated human-progress for
centuries !
Americans too attempted it in an unprecedented way, and almost
run the country in a true democratic way for about the initial 150 years,
before the onslaught of capitalism set-in. (Kindly read about this lost
opportunity of USA at link: http://lostchanceofusaforsettingexample.blogspot.in/)
Even now, the best contestants to undertake this role lies with
the communists, but due their being remaining as fascist as the traditional
right-wing, modern world stares at her future with much anxiety and worry, as
to who is there to usher real days of pure and uninhibited human freedom and
individual dignity for men and women, to lead their lives naturally.
This highly noble task requires an absence of all
institutionalized or professional RULING class; every truly free human-being
possess a natural predisposition to recognize and groom the 'sacred-realm of
the collective', and manage it in a natural way. The way one has a natural
propensity to manage his/her own life, every man has a natural propensity
to mange his collective affairs too naturally, in complete rational agreement
with all others to conduct this task. So, the one and only task before
human-kind is to have his existing democratic model 'reinvented' in such a way
that it results in redefining the very concept of human-freedom afresh.
We appeal you you to share our philosophic blog-post " what
true democracy must represent to people', at link: http://anewtheoryondemocraticestablishment.blogspot.in/
Regarding true freedom, attainable by letting the 'other' be
free first, please refer our dedicated blog-posts: http://understandinginflationinanewlight.blogspot.in/ and
warm regards,
Abraham J. Palakudy
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